Sunday, November 11, 2012

Choose to Hug Not Hit

On November 19 Jacomb Bell, a young Tasmanian law graduate, will talk about the reasons why Section 50 of the Criminal Code should be removed.  He is speaking at the annual EPOCH (End Physical Punishment of Children) Address at Parliament House. 1.00 - 2.30pm

I am wondering whether those staff within DPAC developing the Tasmanian Framework to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children will be there?  I wonder whether the Premier will be there?  I am wondering how many people will show their support for creating safer and saner communities, firstly for today's children and then for generations to come.

At the Address each year I sing "Children are Precious".  You can find it  here

I spoke to my grand-daughters on the phone.  It was important to hear their voices, and more important to feel their love.  They help me remember why I keep active, why I want change.  I want laws that reflect their right to live free from violence from their parents, or grandparents or any care-giver.  We have not enshrined the rights of children in all of our legislation and this is contradictory.   Let's give clear messages about how much we value children!

Thursday, November 8, 2012



This wild and wise self offers reflections on some of the issues confronting our community through music.  Rise Above It is one of my favourite songs as it captures the major issue of violence, including partner violence, violence against children, the sale of young girls into prostitution, and war.

The topic isn't pretty however the song offers hope as it identifies love and the guiding principle that creates change in the minds and hearts of people everywhere.

Please share this song with your friends and colleagues and lets "live in love everyday."
With love