Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Woman Within - Out and Angry

She’s there within, the woman. The woman with the watchful eyes, the shy smile. The woman so scared. She has truths burning deep within but she is hesitant to share them for fear she will be mocked, laughed at and her beliefs belittled. It is because of this fear the child is in control.

 The child is capable of a devil may care attitude. The child will laugh things off, will play the games demanded of her. 

 The woman wants only truths. The woman, never really believing herself to be this deep, fears she will drown in the truths she wants to share and the questions yet to be asked. 


 While this was written in 1992 I feel like I am in a similar place today in 2022.  I am seeing how frightening it is for myself and for many women to speak out about our concerns because  we are being mocked, laughed at and belittled. 

Women are not just being discounted, they are being threatened and harassed purely because they refuse to let their sex based rights be rescinded.  They are being threatened and harassed because they don't believe children should be set on the path of lifelong medicalisation to uphold a (mis)perception of "being born in the wrong body".  They are being threatened and harassed, including  in some areas by legislative measures, for saying biology is a reality!

I have been told by many that I have an excellent "bullshit detector".  Currently my detector is spasming with the daily recognition of the disrespect shown to women such as 

Forgetting so easily the fight of our fore-mothers.  Do you think because you have the vote you have it all?  I have to ask that because so many women seem to think it's okay to give away what was fought for.  The shelters, the safe spaces like health centres, the designated positions  came about because the women we were working with told us that is what made them feel safe.   Are women even being consulted about the erosion of their rights?  

Failing to protect our children.  Who gave permission for the curriculum to be changed?  Surely
 a decision like that should have had input from every parent/ guardian and the final content be approved by them.   Show me a link to the research that shows me 65% of ALL parents gave informed consent about these changes?  

Making the Women's Roll of Honour inclusive.  How does that recognise that women had to fight extra hard to break through structural and societal barriers to achieve what they did and do? 

Not seeing that women are being controlled.  When you tell me you don't believe this conversation about the erasure of women and their rights should even be happening you tell me clearly you have no intention of listening to any of my concerns.  I want to ask you whether you might be being controlled?
What does it cost you to listen to concerns of women voters?  Are you meant to be representing everybody?   STOP being controlled and listen.  

I see solutions too.  Today, right here, I need to be the truth telling Blade who has had enough of being the receptive Chalice.  (Thanks to Raine Eisler)