Time flies and my commitment to maintaining this Blog is definitely questionable.
For the past 5 months I have been working. Once again I am confronted by the reality that when I compromise what I truly want to do as my work, my life becomes unhealthier.
So what is it I want to do? I want to continue to be a social justice advocate and activist. I want to facilitate arts for health programs and I want to coach others who are working at a soul level to develop their practices and keep doing the work. The need for our work is paramount.
In terms of my own arts for health work for International Women's Day a group of women came together to co-create a performance about the lives of older women and the issues that are important to us. The performance was really well received and feedback was that it was moving, thought-provoking, entertaining and marketable. The performance was called Women's Wisdom. The Wild Wise self certainly featured in my performance on the night, and in the intention I held for the performance.
https://soundcloud.com/shelalagh/women-of-darwinmp3 Here's a link to the song we co-wrote for the opening. Special thanks to Mitch, Batt, Mary, Brenda, Gwen, Thevi, Tina, and Liz. It was wonderful to experience the respect and belief that these women offered me and each other. In our rehearsals I decided to focus on claiming our magnificence and we truly were magnificent. The women offered their authentic selves and the audience loved it.
2015 feels like a year of change for me, a year of creating the capacity for me to be living my dream. I hope you will continue to travel with me on my journey to my authentic business.