Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Creating the Living Dream: Living the Creative Dream

I have been in a place of hibernation about my next step . . . yes I was going to buy a van and go from place to place, and then my friend and arts business mentor, Brenda Logan asked the pertinent question: . . . . by whose invitation?

Whoa . . . . .yes I was being rather presumptuous, assuming I would be welcome because I am a musician and storyteller.

And then Burunga Festival, where I recognised I am  not feeling fit enough to embark on such an adventure alone and if I did, I would be scared of dying by myself along some deserted roadside.  Not the prettiest picture.

I did more than recognise. . . . . I acknowledged I am scared of sitting in conversations with First Nations people because I don't know enough about their protocols to ensure I don't offend anybody.

I remembered then the reactions to my music and I am reminded I have a good heart.

Which leads me to recognise my loud mouthed bitch has a role to play in sharing truth  And I cringe and pull faces and I have to acknowledge how, without structure and space for her voice to be heard, she/I becomes destructive. Kali - the destroyer Goddess.

Its been a reflective time, a time of confronting myself and seeing how I fight my own yearning to walk my talk.

So I have back-pedalled on becoming the travelling storyteller.  While I am happy to travel, I would prefer to have  the knowledge that I have somewhere to go home to with a comfortable bed, space to move around in and friends I can invite around to share a meal with.

I am hanging onto the intention with which I want to work and that is reflected in this song.

Thanks for and to those who  support me and remind me to honour my gifts.


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