Thursday, September 1, 2016

I found a song on my Zoom recorder today while listening to the songs I created while my son David was here.  It was a song about grace.  It came to me just after my last post, Are you proud to be Australian?  The horror of Don Dale rattled me. I thought of my own sons and how they were in their youth and I saw how easily it could have been them behind bars. Johnny Farnham sang "we're all someone's daughters, we're all someone's sons".  That is truth and  I as parent and grandparent and a citizen of this country, never want to see young people being treated in that way again.

I met with some friends down in the Botanic Gardens to create a song that would express how we felt and drive action for change.  Ally Mills and Ian and Katy, her children were there and 2 of her grandchildren.  Margie Egan brought her drum, and Kevin McArthy came with his guitar, though I can't remember if he got out his guitar.  We mucked around a bit with a song.  Is there still action around Don Dale I wonder?

The song has been removed from Soundcloud so I can't share it with you. Instead I will question what you perceive, experience, believe is Grace.

Practice seeing wisdom, truth and grace in the faces around you.

 What is grace to me? 

The ability to show love and compassion despite own suffering. The power to re-frame, transmute and transform suffering. To be who you are. 

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