Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Country's Shame

I was at a conference in July and a woman from New Zealand was running a session on letting go of Shame.  I carry so much shame and images immediately came to mind, yet I did not go to the session.  I was afraid of exposing the depth of my shame.

My shame that an Australian gunned down 50 people praying in Christchurch.  People who had been welcomed into New Zealand whereas Australia has turned its back on their ilk. It's not enough that people be punished for having to flee their homes, their families, their countries, someone from this country that is so lacking in compassion, goes to kill them.   I am deeply ashamed.

I am ashamed that an Australian broadcaster feels its his right to downgrade a leader from a neighbouring country because she's a woman.  I'm not surprised by his behaviour.  He did this to Julia Gillard, a Prime Minister who was considered a brilliant diplomat, an impressive leader and a positive example of the value of equality by leaders of other Commonwealth countries.  And this was told to me by a couple of CHOGM delegates from Mozambique who I was chatting with on a train in Perth.  They were very impressed by Julia yet in her own country the likes of Alan Jones and Tony Abbot were intent on building hatred towards her.  Now Alan Jones has turned his attention to another confident, dignified female prime minister.

I feel shamed by the level of misogyny that continually tries to downplay the effectiveness of women in public life and tries to usher us back into our role of mothering our children and husbands.

I am shamed by the treatment of asylum seekers by successive governments. As well as being ashamed, I am scared by the current leaders of the government who have allowed their personal hatred and racism to inform their behaviour which is embarrassing the Australian public.

Are are they happy to admit that Australian's are still just a bunch of racist rednecks who have learned nothing from our time on this planet?

Are you happy to allow them to portray that image of the Australian community? 

I'm not prepared to admit that we are all coal loving, profit seeking, kill anything that moves and even things that don't, difference hating hillbillies!

That is not the Australia I have been working towards since I was 15.

The Australia we are seeing is an Australia caught up in intolerance, greed, control and FEAR.

I have to ask WHAT IS THE THREAT?

Why do Scomo and Dutton fear Displaced People?

Why do they fear  First Nations people?

Do they actually see anyone outside of themselves?

Why can't they see that compassion is a respected virtue?

How can they not see their own hypocrisy?

How can they claim to represent Christians?

How can they think they are fit to govern?

I think they need some reflective practice training.

And some deep listening skills training.

And some mindful compassion training.

And some bible training.

Some Unconscious Bias training as well.

While the Australian government continues to operate without respect, I will feel the shame of my country.

I will also feel anger, the anger that fuels action and I will speak out and say this is NOT OKAY.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shel, I hear you and feel a similar gut wrenching shame and speak out more and more.
